SDM Diving

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Sailfish Craziness in Mexico... Really Miss this trip!

Todays’s throwback video is from our 2012 sailfish expedition. We would run this trips off Isla Mujeres, Mexico. These natural predation events, are such amazing trips to run. The only problem with this trip back then, was that the sailfish showed up to these waters, during the winter season, when the weather was at it’s very worst, and the ass kicking you would get trying to find sailfish were legendary! It was brutal sometimes. Not only was it cold, but the swells and the wind were harsh.

BUT… when the magic happened… the magic happened! Some of the best underwater shows on earth happen out here. It truly was a gift from nature.

It was heart breaking for me when we had to take this off our expedition list of trips. We did it because of course, the fish were no longer there. Not like they used to be. Hopefully things will change and the sailfish will fully return to the waters off Isla Mujeres. I don’t think they are truly gone, they still see them, but the large aggregations of sailfish everywhere are not seen as often anymore. They may have followed their prey to other oceans. There is still resident sailfish that are there year round, but the massive baitballs we used to see… has net been seen for a few years. Until then, we will keep an eye on this place so that hopefully we can come back and see these animals again.

So here is today’s blast from the past. It was fun living it and being a part of the experience. Hope you enjoy.