SDM Diving

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New Video is up on our Youtube Channel

Well it took a while but I finally cut together a new video. This one was so that I could put it on our expedition page to promote our trips and the different types of wildlife we encounter. I am super happy to say, I really love how it came out. I had been wanting to experiment with more sound on my videos and was really pleased with the finished product. From the song I chose, to the pace of the reel, so some of the natural sounds you would expect to hear when on location. I wanted to pull our viewers into the video, and have them feel something, not just watch it… but truly feel it.

So if you will indulge me, when you watch it, - Go full screen on a laptop or ipad, plug in ear phones, turn it up and watch it, that way you can get the full effect of what you are watching. I would absolutely love your comments on this when you watch it, truly interested in hearing what you think. Hope you enjoy.