SDM Diving

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My Ride or Die!

Hey guys, this blog is a bit more personal than my other blogs, but I wanted to share a piece of my soul here. 

I was going through old hard drives, looking at images. I am making plans for a future trip. It is so much fun visiting those long lost memories, I can’t help but smile. What an incredible ride this has been, with so many magical moments that I have experienced through the years - It has been one hell of a journey.

During my search, one thing stopped me in my tracks. I was looking through images, and there was one person who has been there with me - and for me, through it all… my beautiful wife Maritza. 

This amazing lady has been my ride or die for going on 27 years, and I have to say it has NOT been easy at all. I honestly do not know how she has done it for so long… I admit that I am a horrible person to be married to. I have an addictive personality and can be extremely obsessive about whatever I am passionate about; from my bull riding days to my wildlife obsession. I am so driven that I am challenging to deal with. What’s worse than me having a passion or hobby is when I didn’t have anything moving me forward, those were horrible days for my family and me, especially my beautiful wife. 

SO this blog is a public apology for the massive headaches I have given her through the years (and an advance for the future headaches as well, lol). I truly am sorry for my wild heart - AND a huge THANK YOU to this super human that I share my life with. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for helping me build this amazing world we have created together. Thank you for joining me on countless adventures. Thank you for all the great memories we have shared together. Thank you for the amazing souls we have raised up, and thank you for loving me through it all. It has been an amazing bumpy ride.

I am excited for the future and all the ups and downs that life throws at us. Love you with fire!