SDM Diving

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I Said Goodbye to Brazil!

Looking at the full belly of a very big snake.

September 22, 2021 - I am back from Brazil, today is a travel day… writing this up in the Houston airport, and I have proper wifi again! Sadly the wifi at our hotel in Brazil was getting upgraded. So we did not have any wifi for me to update our blogs for you all. I am working on a trip report to share two weeks' worth of craziness. Not sure how I am going to write it up, but it will be fun. The sad part is that I was not able to give nightly updates because this trip was so good. But I will do my best to capture the spirit and essence of what this trip was… a pure raw, off-the-beaten-path adventure in search of a very elusive giant snake.

Of course, if the only reason we went to Brazil were for the snakes, then we would be missing out on what the heart and soul of the Pantanal wetlands are. It is so rich with natural beauty and wildlife both on land and in the water. It is just a fantastic place.

So this blog was just to let you know that I miss writing and sharing and am happy to be back in an area where I can, and I will update you guys with a lot of images and possibly a short video vlog edited by my buddy Steve. I regret not getting more underwater video, but I was hell-bent on capturing stills for this trip. So I am hoping I will have a few clips to share for that in it as well. 

I would get straight onto the trip report, but sadly I have a couple of things that need my attention first. That family emergency I mentioned in my last blog still needs attending too, and I have an article deadline that I missed due to Brazil and the family thing. My latest article for The Journal of Wildlife Photography fall issue is way overdue. So I will be writing through the weekend to get it to them by Monday. In the meantime. I thought I would get this up and to you to let you know I missed you guys, missed sharing stories and images with you all. I am hoping this storm passes quickly so I can get back to some normalcy in my world.

As always, thank you guys for reading!