Skjervoy, Norway
November 9 - 15, 2024
November 10: Day One
8:15 AM Meeting | 9:00 AM Departure
What a great start to the trip! The weather was on our side—no wind, no snow, no rain—just a calm, pleasant day at sea and the beautiful light that get during this time of year.
We encountered some swells, but nothing too rough, making it an easy ride. After about 30 minutes of scanning the horizon, we spotted our first orcas. They were actively feeding on a bait ball when we arrived, but the arrival of some humpback and finback whales quickly disrupted the scene.
It seemed like the orcas managed to eat most of the bait ball before it was scattered, as they didn’t show much interest in continuing the hunt afterward.
We managed five drops with them. I got in the water for the final jump, I wanted to make sure our guests got some water time, and that they were safe.
After all this is the Arctic; extreme conditions, etreme ocean and extreme animals. Safety is everything on these dives.
They all had some nice encounters and were thrilled with the day.
While I’m always hoping to witness a full-on feeding frenzy, this day had its own special moments. During my single dive, a curious juvenile orca swam up from the depths to check us out. I love magic!
I tried my hand at some topside photography today. It was challenging. The light was a bit dim, but I managed to capture a couple of decent shots. It’s always fun to experiment with different perspectives, even in challenging conditions.
Later, we searched for other orca pods, but they were pretty spread out, and we mostly found scattered individuals.
Overall, it was a beautiful first day, filled with great encounters and good vibes. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds!
November 11, 2024 - Day Two
DAMN, WHAT A DAY!!! Today was nothing short of epic—the kind of day you dream about but rarely get to live.
We motored out into perfect conditions: bright blue skies, no wind, and flat, calm seas. The low sun cast its golden light across the water, illuminating the vivid colors that make Norway so magical this time of year. This is the season of endless sunrise and sunset hues during the brief daylight hours, and it was the stuff of dreams.
The day started with a surprise: cloudless skies and sunshine. I thought, This is it—a perfect chance to capture some portraits of orcas undrwater in great light and nice water.
When we found our first pod, though, they were really on the move, so jumping in wasn’t an option.
Instead, we followed them topside, snapping images as they cruised through the water against the stunning Norway backdrop. The light was so incredible, I wanted to try capturing some backlit shots of the orcas. The pod was pretty spread out, but our captain did his best to position us.
And then, Lady Luck smiled. A male orca surfaced right in front of the sun, taking a breath. I fired away, praying that at least one image would turn out. Thankfully, it did—I captured a shot I’ve always dreamed of.
After spending a good while with this pod, we decided to leave them and search for another group to swim with.
I am so glad we did.
We found a second pod of orcas, lingering on the surface. At first, they were moving so slowly that we couldn’t figure out what they were up to. We geared up and jumped in, hoping for a good encounter, but they passed below us without much interaction. We climbed back onto the boat, prepared to try again.
And that’s when the magic began.
Image by Nathalia Lother
Their behavior changed, and the orcas started spy hopping. First one. Then two. Then three. Then four. It turned into a full-blown spy-hopping frenzy! I was losing my mind. I’ve dreamed of seeing spy-hopping orcas for so long, and now it was happening—right in front of me.
But I was stuck in my dive gear, waiting for the signal to jump in, while the most epic show was happening above water.
Thankfully, a few friends were on deck filming it with their iPhones, so at least someone documented it.
Eventually, I ripped off my gloves and scrambled to grab my camera from the dry bag. But by the time I was ready, the show was over. Heartbreaking.
The pod disappeared briefly, but when they resurfaced, they brought a bait ball with them. That’s when things went next-level.
Fifteen-plus orcas and three humpback whales joined forces in a feeding frenzy. It was chaos—absolutely mesmerizing chaos. But as quickly as it began, it ended. The humpbacks destroyed the bait ball within moments.
I was in the water during the frenzy, trying to capture the action, but my shots were a disaster. I didn’t care. Well, I did, but I didn’t… Watching 15 orcas and three humpbacks feeding together was beyond incredible.

Tomorrow, I’m switching to video. Stills just don’t do the underwater moments justice.
What a day. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!
November 12, 2024 - Day Three
Today was cold. The magic of yesterday felt like a distant memory, and today… well, today was the real Norway orca diving experience. It was overcast and bone-chillingly cold. Did I mention it was cold? Really cold, lol. But still breathtakingly beautiful.
The ocean was perfectly calm—flat as glass—and within just 10 minutes of motoring out, we spotted our first orca pod.
Another boat was already tracking them, so we decided to keep searching for a pod of our own. Not long after, we found one, and this group wasn’t alone—they had a couple of finback whales shadowing them.
We spent the rest of the day following these orcas, with three humpback whales eventually joining the mix. For a while, we were hopeful this might turn into a feeding event. The orcas were moving slowly at the surface, but they were scattered rather than tightly grouped, which made us think they might have been searching for herring schools below.
We decided to try a jump with the finbacks, but they dove before we could get close, so we didn’t see them underwater.
The day ended with only a few jumps but a lot of surface whale activity. That’s just how it goes out here. Some days, you’ll have tons of time in the water; other days, you’re more of a whale-watching spectator.
With nature, you have to take what the day gives you—and today, it gave us beauty, awe, and freezing cold conditions.
November 13 & 14, 2024 - The Weather Wins
Mother Nature had the final say these past two days. With 36-knot winds howling through the fjords, our trips were canceled, and we were grounded on land.
Most of the group decided to call it early and head home, content with the incredible experiences from the first three days. For them, the adventure was complete, and they left with smiles on their faces. The other are relaxing, consuming a few beverages and enjoying the windy days here in Skjervoy.
A huge thanks goes out to our friends who joined us for this advenure. So much magic this week. Even though we only managed three days out there, it was Epically cool.
Until next season… thank you Norway!