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Here’s where the adventure comes to life! From unforgettable wildlife encounters to the weather conditions that shape our journey.
You’ll find it all here.
At the end of each trip we’ll post a summary of our expedition—spotlighting the wildlife we’ve encountered, the experiences we’ve shared, and the beauty we’ve discovered.
Note: Speed of updates depend on internet availability, but whenever we’ve got a connection, we’ll bring you along for the ride!
From the Arctic seas to dense rainforests, we’ll document our experiences and share what makes each moment so special.
Check in regularly to follow our progress. This is more than just an update—it’s a window into the heart of our expeditions.
We’re excited to have you with us!
2025 Trip Reports
Sperm Whale Trip Report 2025 - Trip 3 of 3.
Dominica Island, Caribbean
March 8 - 15, 2025
Sperm Whale Trip Report 2025 - Trip 2 of 3.
Dominica Island, Caribbean
January 26 - February 1, 2025
Sperm Whale Trip Report 2025 - Trip 1 of 3.
Dominica Island, Caribbean
January 21 - 27, 2025
2024 Trip Reports
Mexico’s Sardine Run Trip Report 2024
Magdalena Bay, Baja
December 9 - 15, 2024
Tiger Sharks and Great Hammerheads Trip Report 2024
Tiger Beach and Bimini, Bahamas
November 30 - December 7, 2024
Norway Orca Trip Report 2024
Skjervoy, Norway
November 9 - 15, 2024
Tiger Beach Trip Report 2024
Tiger Beach, Bahamas
October 26 - November 1, 2024
Cabo Pulmo Diving Trip Report 2024
Cabo Pulmo, Mexico
October 17 - 21, 2024
Pink River Dolphin Trip Report 2024
Amazon River, Brazil
September 17 - 21, 2024
Septmber 22 - 26, 2024
Jaguar Safari Trip Report 2024
Porto Jofre, Brazil
September 9 - 15, 2024
Anaconda Diving Trip Report 2024
Bonito, Brazil
September 1 - 7, 2024
Beluga and Polar Bear Expedition 2024 (Trip # 2)
Churchill, Canada
August 3 - 9, 2024
Beluga and Polar Bear Expedition 2024 (Trip # 1)
Churchill, Canada
July 27 - August 2, 2024
Whale Shark Expedition 2024 (Trip # 2)
Isla Mujeres, Mexico
July 14 - 19, 2024
Whale Shark Expedition 2024 (Trip # 1)
Isla Mujeres, Mexico
July 7 - 12, 2024
Mountain Gorilla and Wildlife Expedition 2024
June 8 - 16, 2024
Baja Pelagic Expedition 2024
Baja, Mexico
May 7- 12, 2024
Sperm Whale Diving Expedition 2024
Dominica Island, Caribbean
March 31 - April 7, 2024
Grey Whale Photography Expedition 2024
Magadalena Bay, Mexico
February 12 - 17, 2024
2023 Trip Reports
Tiger Sharks and Great Hammerhead Diving Expedition 2023
Northern Bahamas
November 25 - December 2, 2023
Polar Bear Photography Expedition 2023
Churchill, Canada
November 6 - 11, 2023
Humpback Whales 2023
Ha’apai, Tonga
September 28 - October 5, 2023
Right Whales 2023
Puerto Piramides, Argentina
August 27 - September 2, 2023
Beluga Whales and Polar Bears 2023
Churchill, Canada
July 22 - 28, 2023
Trip # 13 of the 2023 Season
July 23, 2023 - Day One with the beluga whales. It was a really good first day. The weather was beautiful and the sun was out. Which was great because we were told that it had been raining non-stop for the past two weeks. So got lucky.
Right now there are thousands of belugas out here feeding in these waters. It is so beautiful to see. Getting to spend time with these amazing white whales is truly a gift from nature. They are very special animals.
While we were out looking for whales, we spotted something else in the water and it turned out to be a massive polar bear, swimming in the Churchill river. We followed it to shore and snapped a few images of him before he disappeared over the rocks.
The swimming bear, woke up another polar bear, that was sleeping on the rocks. This bear was much smaller than our swimmer and wanted nothing to do with the larger bear, so it took off in the opposite direction. Which was great, because it was walking in our direction. So we got some gret head on shots of this bear. It went down to the waters edge to lay down and continue its nap.
We left the bears and went to beluga board (as we call it) with the whales. The water visibility was horrible so the images are not that great. But it was still so much fun. I love those whales.
It was a great first day… can’t wait for tomorrow.
Beluga boarding… the whales do come in close!
July 24, 2023 - Damn what a day. We started our day with a sad but amazing morning watching the polar bear police and wildlife management tranquilize two bears. A mom and her three year old cub. These bears had become problem bears. Sneaking into town at night and going through the garbage. (I am going to write a blog about this, possibly tomorrow. Super interesting).
After that morning drama, we went out to the water and spent it with more beluga whales. There are so many whales, it is insane! The water visibility is really bad right now. The two weeks of rain really had an impact. But it is slowly getting better.
So I hope we will get some better water conditions over the next couple of days. Fingers crossed for that.
We also found another bear sleeping on the rocks by the water. I think it might be the same young bear from yesterday. Either way, it was a wonderful day and I am beat.
We finished the day watching the sunset, it was a beautiful way to call it a day. Or a night. Sunset was at 10PM.
We wore mozi nets, because there was a lot of mosquitos out in full force tonight, and they were brutal.
July 25, 2023 - Day Three was EPIC!!! There is no other way to describe it. Just wow, wow, wow!
The weather today was horrible. After two days of beautiful blue skies and a warm sunny sky, today was cloudy, windy and cold. Really cold. The kind of cold that makes you question whether it is even worth going out. Just bad seas.
But it does not matter what is going on around you if you have epic animals in front of you, and we did. The belugas were in full force, and they wanted to play. We had so many amazing moments with them today, our time in the water passed quickly. Well sort of, it was crazy cold today. Like I said yesterday was t-shirt weather and today it was really cold.
How fast it changes here.
Tomorrow is day four… Let it begin!
In the evening we went out to the local pub. It was karaoke night, and Tuesday wings special. So we all went for a nice night out. We had a fun evening laughing, getting to know each other better and sharing time together. On our way out of the pub, we looked up and…BOOM! the Northern Lights were out. So we all ran to our rooms to grab tripods and cameras and went out to find a spot to photograph them. It was a hell of a way to finish up an incredible day.
July 26, 2023 - Day Three was cold, cold, cold! We woke up to very over cast skies and freezing conditions, and lots and lots of wind. It was horrible… but the visibility was ok, and the belugas were still coming in close to say hi, so despite the really crappy conditions, we had a good day. But damn it was cold. It was too rough to try and get to the point to see if there were any bears in the area, so we didn’t see any bears sadly.
We all had amazing moments in the water with the belugas. When we finished, Emma our captain asked if anyone else wanted to get back in, because we still had some time left. All of us said no. It was crazy cold today.
July 27, 2023 - Day Five - Our final day. Conditions today were epic! It was warm, sunny and beautiful. Polar opposite of what we had experienced the day before. All the clouds were gone and it was just nice.
We sadly said goodbye to Steve and Sherry, as they had flights that afternoon, so they opted to not go out on the boat with us so they could dry their wetsuits out, plus their departure time was too close to our water time, so they sweetly enough decided to stay in.
Conditions out on the boat were perfection. However, the water visibility, for whatever reason got worse, and when we stuck our faces in the water, we could not see the belugas very well. Just white blobs in the water swimming by.
I don’t think the belugas like the bad vis either, and refused to come in close.
Thankfully the polar bears were out this afternoon. Two of them were in the water swimming (our third and forth swimming bear this week). We followed them back to the island, and got to spend some time photographing these amazing animals. There was another bear on the rocks but, it got scared when it saw us. We were super far away from the bear, yet, it still got scared. We all thought that was weird behavior, we figured this was one of the problem bears and kept getting chased out of town. So it has a strong fear of people.
We finished up the day hanging out with our local friends Kenny and Captain Emma and visited the steam freighter ship wreck, the SS Ithaca. Years ago the ship broke its anchor in bad seas, and ended up wrecked on this sea bed. Now its basically a jungle gym playground for the locals. We were all hoping bears were sleeping in the wreck. But sadly nope… no bears.
Overall it was an amazing trip with wonderful wildlife, very special people, in a very special place. We all hated leaving, but unfortunately we had to say goodbye.
A special thanks to my Churchill friends and my friends who joined us out there.
Thank you for the laughs and the great memories…. #damnitmorgan
Team BelugaBears!!
Black Bears in North Carolina.
June 12 - 19, 2023
Trip # 9 of the 2023 Season
June 11, 2023 - (Scouting Day) I arrived in North Carolina a couple days early to seek out the best spots to find bears. I arrived at Alligator River Wildlife Refuge early in the morning to begin my search. Thankfully it did not take long to find bears, and by the end of the day I found 12 bears.
Morning Session
The first bears I encountered were on the road.
It was a mom and cub. The cub was older and close to being weaned. The mom was walking down the road and eventually the cub and the mom seperated. The cub went into the forest and the mom continued walking down the road.
I soon realized why. A big male was in pursuit of the female. June is mating season for the bears.
We encountered a total of four bears in the morning.
Afternoon session
I drove around a lot and found a few bears grazing in the fields, including a mom with two very young cubs. They were super cute. At the end of the day I found a bear having a bath in one of the canals. Got some really fun images of him.
I found a total of 8 bears during our afternoon session. Today was a good scouting day and great way to kick off this trip.
Wildlife we Encountered;
12 bears total. (4 during a morning session, 8 during the dusk session)
two water moccasins (on the road).
Two raccoons (both were fast encounters.
June 12, 2023 - (Day One) - Morning session - We went out this morning and right away encountered two bears at the entrance of the reserve. I never spend anytime in this area because I always figured you would not see bears there. I was wrong. The encounters were brief, but it was a good sign for our group that they were going to have a good day.
We encountered three more bears. All the encounters were far away because the bears were in the fields grazing, but nice to see them. Towards the end of the morning session we ran into some birders photographing a barred owl hunting for her fledging owlets. She had two. It was an awesome photography session, trying to capture her hunting.
We encountered a total of five bears.
Afternoon Session
We left an hour late today, waiting for the rain to stop. A fierce rain squall moved through the area. After the rain stopped we went to go look for more bears. We found seven more bears including a mating pair which was so cool to see. They were a bit far and it was still cloudy, so I only got a proof of life image of the bears. I am hoping for another shot at it this week. We will see?
Wildlife we encountered today;
12 black bears (five in the morning, seven in the afternoon)
3 barred owls
June 13, 2023 (Day Two) - EPIC DAY! We went out for two sessions. A morning and late afternoon session. All I can say is WOW WOW WOW.
We found 17 different bears and spent almost an hour with a red wolf. There are only 20-30 wild red wolves left in the world. I believe of those 15 are tagged with sat collars. We encountered one of those tagged wolves today. What a dream it was to find one of those wild dogs out there. I have been hoping and dreaming about this day for a very long time. I feel so grateful that I got to spend time with this special animal today.
Wildlife we Encounterd;
- 17 bears
- barred owls
- A cotton mouth snake
June 14, 2023 - Morning session was super slow, we only found one bear. Maybe because it got really hot, really early? We did find another red wolf though. However it was pretty far away. But still very cool to see. Now it is officially two wolves that we have encountered on this trip.
Our afternoon session was way more productive. We encountered a total of 9 bears. Including another bear in the water.
The light was amazing and we were able to capture some really nice images. It was a really good day in search of wildlife.
We spent some time looking for snakes. Our friend Tony is really into snakes and we made an effort at finding some. We found a couple of water snakes, non-venomous. Nothing as cool as the water moccasin we found the other day, but still happy to find him some snakes.
Wildlife we Encountered;
- Nine Bears (One in the morning, eight in the afternoon)
- Red Wolf (in the distance)
- Two water snakes
- a very mellow alligator
June 15, 2023 - Today we got skunked… well not all day, we saw nothing during our morning session, but during our afternoon session we did find two black bears. They were grazing out in the field.
After the success of our previous days out here, we did not mind the skunking. It makes you appreciate everything we have experienced even more.
We visited the Red Wolf Center to learn more about the rehab work they are doing.
Sadly we got some disappointing news… it turns out the session we had with the red wolf, was not a red wolf, it was a coyote.
Damn it. They species look so similar. The coyote we saw did have a tracking collar, but it is so that they can study the movements of the refuges coyote population and see if they stay in the park or move out.
Talk about false advertising.
The red wolf we saw from a distance was a true red wolf. But this guys sadly wasn’t. The coyotes have black collars and the red wolves have bright orange ones. This is to try and help keep the hunters from shooting them.
Wildlife We Encountered;
- Two black bears.
- Red Tailed Hawks.
June 16, 2023 - Morning session was really good. We had an epic encounter with a beautiful female bear that was having breakfast. There were some wild black berry bushes that the bear was feeding off of. They were growing wild really close to the road, so we were able to stand there and photograph her feeding close up. It was so good and just added to the amazingness of the trip. Capturing images of the bears doing what bears do is a dream. Natural behavior is what it is all about.
Today we go late to the park as we will be going out with the red wolf researchers, they will be using their tracking equipment to track the wild dogs, so this is our best chance of seeing one close up. Fingers crossed.
Afternoon Session
We went out with the NGO red wolf researcher to try and find the tagged wolves. We did find them, but they were in deep grass and I didn’t see them. They were there, but in the tall grass they were hard to spot.
Before the red wolf gathering, we went out to look for bears and found a big male walking on the road. The encounter was so good. The bear was very comfortable around us and didn’t mind us being there. As long as we did not block its path, it was fine. It eventually turned into the forest and laid down to sleep.
We encountered seven different bears during our time out here in the afternoon.
This was the last day of the trip and the last outing. It was a great week of searching for bears with our guests. The bear action was so great, and hanging with Tony and his family was really nice.
Wildlife we encountered;
11 Bears (4 during the morning, and seven in the afternoon.)
2 red wolves, although all that was seen was their heads (a few times) in the tall grass. No images.
May 21 - 28, 2023
Trip # 8 of the 2023 season.
Day One ( May 22, 2023) - Today was a hell of a great way to kick start a new week of adventures. The water, wind and sky were picture perfect… all freaking day! Just an epic way to begin the week.
We started out swimming with mobula rays. They were a bit shy so we didnt stay long. We saw a few boats together so we went over to see what was brewing. They had a whale shark. The operators were taking turns, we waited for our shot. It was the same whale shark from the previos week. A massive female swimming slowly.
After that we found a pod of bottlenose dolphins. A good way to spend some time. We finished the day checking out sperm whales. There was lots of sperm whales in the area. A hell of a great way to finish up day one.
Wildlife we encountered;
- Mobula Rays
- Bottlenose Dolphins
- scattered baitballs.
- Whale Shark Swim
- Sperm Whales (lots of sperm whales).
Day Two (May 23, 2023)… An insanely amazing day! The morning started out a bit rough. The winds were up and there was a lot of white caps. But thankfully by 12 noon the winds died down and the ocean smoothed out.
We spent all day with sperm whales… again!
The sperm whales were out in full force, anywhere from 20 to fifty sperm whales were around. At one point one of the whales started breaching. I was told that it is a sign that its time to change direction, or that its time to get together. Today that proved true. The whales all gathered up in a massive group and swam together for a little while. Socializing, playing, enjoying life as one of the masters of the ocean. We enjoyed our time watching them. It was epic!
Day Three (May 24, 2023) - It was a cloudy over cast sky. But we had flat calm seas, which was good. It just made it hard to snap underwater images. It was a great wildlife day. We had super pods of dolphins and a fun session with the sea lions. Because these are fast moving animals, it required a minimum of 500 shutter speed for our cameras, but because it was overcast it made us raise our ISO to 1000, so a bit grainy but still workable images. We finished the day checking out the sperm whales that were still hanging around… Crazy!
Wildlife We Encounterd;
- Super pods of Bottlenose Dolphins
- Sealion colony
- Sperm Whales
Day Four ( May 25, 2023) - A nice weathered cloudy day. Still plety of sunshine, but lots of clouds way high up in the heavens. Today was a slow start, we went looking for mobulas, we have not had solid encounters with them this week. The visibility has been an issue and they have been a bit shy. They prefer the better visibility to see whats coming. Understandable when everything wants to eat them. We nicknamed them, Orca Chips. Poor little guys.
After we went out to see what we could find. We saw a few striped marlin finning at the surface. Always fun to see. We finished out time out in the open ocean hanging around the sperm whales. They were much further out, which means they are finally leaving we think. Four days of sperm whales has been an unexpected gift and so awesome. We ended the day with some hunting bottlenose dolphins. A nice day at sea.
Wildlife We Encountered;
- Mobula Rays
- Bottlenose Dolphins
- Sperm Whales
- Striped Marlin (saw their tails above the surface line)
Day Five ( May 26, 2023) Today was EPIC, EPIC, EPIC! We decided to head in a different direction than we normally cruise to see if we could find anything interesting. I am so grateful we did.
We found Baitballs and a lot of them!
Fer found a static ball that she wanted to check out. I didn’t think there was going to be anything there because the pelicans were sitting on the surface with the baitball directly underneath them. I was wrong. There was lots of skip jack tunas, mahi mahis and sharks feeding on the baitball. The sharks were a new species for me. I didn’t know what they were. They looked like silky sharks, except they has a small white spot on the lower part of their caudal fin.
The sharks were shy, but the mahi’s were not. We had an epic time with this ball.
After lunch we got a radio call from our other boat that a brydes whale had just fed on their baitball. A total surprise. We motored over, but the whale was gone. So we jumped in and dove with the pretty big baitball and a massive school of skip jacks feeding on it. This baitball had a lot more mahis feeding on it as well. During the dive, a pelagic stingray arrived and started feeding on the ball (a new species for me). While we were in the water, we were surprised when the whale returned to grab another mouth full of bait. It was a total surprise and an exciting one. I have been dreaming of this moment for so many years and it finally happened. Magic… pure magic!
Wildlife We Encountered;
- Skip Jack Tuna
- Mahi Mahi
- Sharks
- Pelagic Sting Ray
- Brydes Whale
Day Six (May 27, 2023). _ Our final day in and on the water and we got skunked. It was a really nice day at sea. The kind of day you want to be out in and on the ocean… but the wildlife had other ideas and our ocean karma it seems had finally run out. Of course all of us on the boat knew why we got skunked… Cassie wore her New Kids on the Block t-shirt that she insisted was a good luck shirt. But we all sadly found out the hard way it was not. (Kidding Cassie… sort of.)
Over all it was an amazing week at sea, and even though there were no orcas this week… it was EPIC, EPIC, EPIC!
May 14 - 21, 2023
Trip # 7 of the 2023 season.
Day One ( May 15, 2023) - Week Two Begins… and thankfully the weather today was amazing. Beautiful sunny skies. A few clouds, and very calm seas. Today was a very good day at sea, with a lot of wildlife activity. Lots of baitballs, and lots of animals feeding on them. Since it was the first day we went to show them all the mobulas. That is always a good fun way to kick off the trip. Then we headed out to the open ocean to see what was happening. Straight away we found bottlenose dolphins feeding on sardines. We were going to try our luck with them, but suddenly we see a blow in the distance and headed out to find it. It was a blue whale. We watched it for a while then got a report of orcas so we left.
We found no orcas but did find another baitball. It had a shark and some marlin on it. We tried jumping in, but the baitball took off and the predators left as well. The ball disappeared sadly. I really wanted that one. Right after we found a huge baitball and got in with it. This one had skip jacks on it. The action was insane! We spent about two hours with it… Baja magic at its finest! A hell of a first day at sea.
Wildlife we Encountered;
- Bottlenose Dolphins feeding on the surface.
- Schooling Mobula Rays
- Mobula Rays jumping
- Blue Whale Encounter
- Massive Baitball with skip jack tuna feeding on it. (two hour session)
- Baitball with a shark and striped marlin ( proof of life photos of the marlin). No feeding going on, baitball disappeared.
Day Two ( May 16, 2023) - did not disappoint. We started out with a mobula ray swim then got word of a whale shark in the area. There was already a number of boats around it, so Fer was not thrilled with jumping in. I was a bit hesitant also.
Thankfully we were both wrong.
It was such a great time with this massive whale shark. It was swimming so slow and had its head angled up and sort of S-bent in the water. The images are going to look great.
We jumped in quite a few times and we all enjoyed a really great encounter.
After we finished up, we left the whale shark and went in search of orcas. None were found, but we did find some very jumpy bottlenose dolphins and I finally managed some topside jumping shots of them this trip. I always like to snap some of those as part of what we have experienced on these adventures. It was a really good day. Hot as hell though. Today was HOT!
Wildlife we Encountered;
- bottlenose dolphins feeding in the Bay
- Mobula ray swim
- Baitball with skip jacks (we didnt get in the water)
- Whale Shark Encounter
- Jumping bottlenose dolphins for topside photos
- bottlenose dolphin swim
- three humpback whales
Day Three (May 17, 2023) - Today was an easy one… SPERM WHALES. Today the ocean was filled with sperm whales. Easily between 50 to 100 individuals were scattered about feeding and socializing, and resting. It was a great day.
It started out a bit cloudy, and since the sun was hiding, it was chilly. But eventually the sun burnt out the clouds, or the drifted off. Not sure? But at the end of the day, the sun came out and it was beautiful.
We spent all day with the sperm whales, watching them. It was a great fun day at sea.
Day Four (May 18, 2023) - You can’t have good days without bad ones. Even though this was not a very bad day. It was still nice to be out on the ocean. Sadly there was no wildlife today. The winds were up in the North, so we went South, but we did not see anything except for some bottlenose dolphins porpoising around, and possibly a shark finning at the surface.
We saw a fin.
While out at sea, our captain saw something swim off fast as we motored by. We stopped because there was something left in the water as it swam away. A big black ink spot. So it was possibly a humbolt squid, or some similarly large squid species right at the surface.
We didn’t see the animal, but we did see the ink stain it left.
Pretty cool.
We called it a day early and returned to port.
Day Five (May 18, 2023) - Today was a great day at sea. Beautiful seas. It was super flat in the morning. Some clouds scattered above, but lots of sun shine. We started the day with a big pod of common dolphins porpoising. It was a hell of a show and really good for topside photography.
We visited the sealion colony in the North, but it was rough, so we left.
We finished the day with some really fun orcas!!! We found a small pod at the end of the day and tried a couple of jumps with them, but they were not in the mood, so we just spent the rest of the time photographing them on the boat. It was a hella good day at sea.
Wildlife we Encountered;
- Common Dolphins in the Bay.
- Brydes’ Whale
- Sealions.
Day Six (May 20, 2023) Final day at sea, and the day was perfect. Beautiful ocean today. It was amazing. We didn’t get much water time, went looking for orcas but didn’t find them. We did see from the surface a pod of Cuvier’s beaked whales, which was super cool. A very rare whale. We finished up the day with a mobula swim and some sea lion fun.
Overall an amazing week of wildlife!!!
Wildlife we Encountered;
- Cuvier’s Beaked Whales.
- Mobula Rays
- Sea lions
May 7 - 14, 2023
Trip # 6 of the 2023 season.
Day One (May 8) - Good weather, with calm seas. The visibility wasnt the greatest, a bit murky everywhere we went today.
Wildlife we Encountered;
- Blue whale.
- Humpback whales.
- Mola mola (super skiddish, would not let us get close)
- 3 species of dolphins - Bottle nose, pan tropical, and common.
- mobula rays (also jumping mobulas)
- Todays highlight was the sea lion colony. A lot of sealions. The visibility was not great but still managed some really nice images.
Day Two ( May 9) - A really good day at sea. Great weather and lots of wildlife encounters. Water clarity is getting better in some places. Everyone was super happy with today.
Wildlife we Encountered;
- Humback Whales
- Whale Shark, she was really big. (One good jump with her, we lost her after that.)
- Baitball. Nothing eating it, but we did see some silky sharks that were trying to attack the baitball. They were intimidated by us and did not come in.
- mobula rays in very shallow water, made for some nice photo ops.
- Lots of jumping mobula rays.
Day Three (May 10) - EPIC EPIC DAY. We got the call while we were still in the marina that there was orcas in the area. There was only one boat out there with them so we needed to hurry before word got out that orcas were around. We arrived at the area and had an amazing morning with the animals. Just our selves and our buddies. It was magic. We spent about three and half hours with the orcas until conditions went to hell and we were forced to say goodbye to these beautiful animals!
What a Day!
Wildlife We Encountered;
- Just Orcas.
Day Four (May 11) - It was an OK day at sea. Conditions were still crappy from the day before. We managed to get out to the sea lion colony and jump in with them. That was fun. A bull sea lion was very protective of his females and he kept blowing bubbles at us. Mating season is beginning so the males are getting a bit more aggressive. We searched for a bit but conditions were getting worse so we called it a day.
Wildlife We Encountered;
- Sea lions
- Humback whales in the distance.
- Grey fox crossed the road on our way home from dinner.
- Spider in our rental vehicle (The Red Dragon), that sent Sara flying out of the vehicle. Lol, So wish we had captured that on film.
Day Five (May 12) - It was a good day. Weather is getting better. We started the morning swimming with mobula rays. The water was green but still decent vis. After the swim we snapped images of jumping mobulas. We received a report that a whale was in the area. We went to look for it, instead we found a whale shark, got to swim with it in beautiful blue water.
Wildlife We Encountered;
- Mobula Rays
- Jumping mobula rays
- Static Baitball. Sardines hunted by skip jack tuna.
- Blue whales (mom and calf), seen from a distance. Would not let us near them.
- Mahi skimming the surface.
- Stopped to photograph turkey vultures sitting on a cactus (on the road). Nice photos
Special thanks and love goes out to our friends who joined us this week. It was an amazing week.
Day Six (May 13) - Flat Calm Seas. The day was perfect. No clouds in the sky, no wind… it was a gorgeous day at sea. We started the morning with a very large pod of bottlenose dolphins feeding tightly together. They were in green water so really bad vis. We stayed filming them for over an hour. It was so good. After, we went to look for baitballs. We found some with skip jack tunas hunting them, but the skip jacks left as soon as we entered the water.
After that we got reports that orcas were back in the area. We found them. The Montezuma pod. Montezuma is massive male orca famous in the area. We spent the rest of the day with them. Sadly we did not get in the water with them. Quite a few boats wanting to see them as well - plus the visibility was bad, so we decided to just enjoy them from the boat, and it was such a great day. No words to express how amazing it was. A hell of a great way to end our trip off Baja. Filled with gratitude.
Wildlife We Encountered;
- Coastal Bottle Nose Dolphins
- Baitballs with skip jack tuna
- Orcas
- Jumping mobula rays