Mako and Blue Shark Expedition
Cabo San Lucas, MX. February 2022
(Trip # 1 for the 2022 Season)

We returned from a successful mako and blue shark expedition. Well… it turned into a blue shark trip, vs. a mako shark trip. The makos were a no-show sadly. But that is nature, and what she does - she will twist and turn, and disappoint you and then, every once in a while she will give you magic.

Despite the makos no-show, we thankfully had two days with solid blue shark encounters, which made for a fun experience.

I kept a blog of our trip while I was out there everyday, except for our final day on the water, because we went out to celebrate that evening, which is normally when I write.

For those that wanted to know how our fifth and final day at sea went, we found another blue shark that we spent over two hours with. This time it was a young five foot long female blue that had a pilot fish hanging out with her. She was a beauty and gave us all one hell of a magical day.

I wanted to say thank you to our friends who joined us out there, you guys made the trip amazing and special. Until the next one.

The cast of characters that joined me on this trip. I think all of them were banned from Mexico forever after this trip. LOL. Miss you guys!

Below are the links to the blogs I wrote for this trip… I do hope you enjoy.