Whale Shark Expedition Trip Report 2024 (Trip # 1)

Isla Mujeres, Mexico
July 7 - 12, 2024

 July 9, 2024 - Day Two: First Day in the Water

Today was our first day in the water. Thankfully we got to get out there. We were worried since the port was closed yesterday, that it would be closed again.

We did have a bit of a bumpy ride out to the whale shark grounds, but it was worth it.

We left late, around 9 AM, as we were waiting for the weather report to see if it was safe to go out.

Once we got the go-ahead, we were all ready to go and headed out to sea. Our guests were very happy to finally get off land.

Of course, once we left the protection of the island and the ocean opened up, the water got choppy.

It took about an hour and a half to reach the whale shark area, which was about 30 miles away—super close.

When we arrived, there were maybe 25-30 other boats, which seems like a lot but is actually fewer than usual.

Fortunately, they didn't stay long, and one by one, they all left until finally, we were the only boat out there.

There were a lot of sharks around, although not many right on the surface due to the choppy water.

But definitely a lot.

The sharks were a bit skittish, which is normal when they are resting more than feeding.

Based on past experience, I've noticed a pattern: one day, there's lots of feeding, and the next day, there's more resting with occasional feeding.

Tomorrow should be a great day with lots of feeding sharks.

We had three people get seasick today due to the big swells. I hate that, feel so bad for people who get sick.

Hoping for smoother seas tomorrow.

Overall, it was a great first day in the water with a lot of sharks.

This is how Isla Mujeres whale shark trips are supposed to be, lots of sharks in beautiful blue water… Love this place!

July 10, 2024 - Day 3 - Today we went out for whale sharks. The weather was much better—there were rain clouds that looked threatening and some thunder in the distance, but the wind died down, and the sea was calmer.

We left at 9 AM again, and when we arrived in the area, there were a lot of boats. There weren't a lot of sharks, so everyone was taking turns jumping in. It seemed pretty organized which was cool.

A few boats were arguing with each other over who’s turn it was, but for the most part, the operators did their best to work with each other.

We didn’t try to jump in; instead, we left to look for more sharks and wait for the other boats to leave, which we knew would be soon.

While we were searching, we saw a whale shark pop up by itself in the distance, so we went over to swim with it. It wasn’t long before a few boats came over to put their guests in the water with our shark. So again, we waited.

An hour passed, and as expected, all the boats were gone, leaving just us to swim with the sharks.

And swim we did. We had so much fun today - jumping in and out with the sharks.

It always makes me happy to see our guests happy.

Towards the end of our day, a silky shark showed up to say hi. It never got close enough for a picture, but we all enjoyed the chance to see a silky shark. Always amazing to see a bonus shark!

On our way home, we ran into a big pod of spotted dolphins. We tried one jump with them, but they were not interested in us and kept going. It was worth a shot.

Overall, it was a really fun day in the water with friends!

Tomorrow is our final day... excited to see what tomorrow brings!

July 11, 2024 - Day Four: Ou Final Day in the Water. Today we left late again, deciding to head out a bit later to avoid the crowds. It was a good gamble that paid off. As we motored out, we passed about 20 boats returning to port.

The weather today was beautiful! Flat calm seas, a light ocean breeze, blue sunny sky with a few puffy clouds scattered about.

What a gorgeous day!

10:40 AM… we arrived to the shark grounds. Hoping for a great final day for our friends. They deserve a fantastic day.

2:22 PM… We are headed back in after an epic final day at sea!

When we arrived at the whale shark grounds, there were still a few boats, but only a handful. It wasn’t long before it was just us out there with about 20-30 whale sharks, all feeding on the surface. It was amazing.

We had a great afternoon swimming with the sharks. Everyone had a fantastic time. The weather stayed amazing, and the sharks were busy feeding, completely ignoring us.

We swam our hearts out, and by the end, we were all exhausted and super happy.

It's surprising how quickly the days pass. The trip is over. All that’s left to do is dry our wet gear, pack our things, and head out for one final dinner together.

Tonight, we celebrate life!