Sperm Whale Expedition
Photo Gallery
Dominica Island, Caribbean
August 2022
It was a great week with the sperm whales, but also the pilot whales. Normally you do not want the pilot whales to turn up because the sperm whales take off into safer waters. They hunt the baby sperm whales. However, the encounters we had with the pilot whales was all time great.
On our final day in the water we spent over five hours with the pilot whales. While we were with the pilots, we even encountered a pod of melon headed whales that were food sharing (no photos though, just proof of life video clip).
It was just non-stop.
After about 3 hours of jumping in with the pilot whales, we decided to give them a break and eat lunch. While we were sitting on the boat, the pilot whales all swam up to the boat and started spy hopping, wondering where we had gone. So we scrapped the food idea and jumped back in for an additional two hours.
A magical week at sea…
The legendary Can Opener.
Sperm whale fluke
Big male pilot whale
This youngster was the star of the show, he was super fascinated with us and kept coming in to say hi, over and over and over. Such an awesome whale.
Pilot whales spy hopping.
Dominica is one of the better wifi locations, so I was able to keep a daily blog on our adventure. Below are the links to our sixe days in and on the water. Many of the same images you see here in this album, but I wanted to share them on one page.
Thank you to the beautiful souls who joined us. Love you guys!