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Birding in the Rio Grande Valley

So I am off on the first trip of the 2019 expedition season. I am currently in the Bahamas, sitting in my bunk, on the Dolphin Dream, which is our host dive vessel for our tiger and great hammerhead trips. We are stuck on West End right now, waiting for this storm to pass. The weather right now is complete crap. It is blowing hard. So today was a lot of down time.

I decided to take advantage of this time and work on a few images from my wildlife photo sessions at home. During my break from SDM’s expeditions, I spent some time looking for a local bobcat that has been annually stalking one of the bird feeders here. I am obsessed with wild cats and especially the one, my daughter Sophia and I spend so much time seeking out. We photographed her several times in early 2018, but so far for 2019, she has been a no-show. But we will keep trying.

However while we wait, it is always a great opportunity to photograph the birds that frequent the feeder. So I thought I would share some of my images from those long sessions of waiting for Bobbie, the bobcat to show up, my Sophie named her.

These are all wild birds. The images captured of them are where ever they popped up close to me. I don’t have any fancy set ups for the birds, so some of the backgrounds are not the greatest, but the birds are beautiful, and it was a lot of fun. Especially because I was hanging out with my daughter…

Long-billed thrasher.

  1. Fox squirrel 2. Northern cardinal 3. Great-tailed grackle 4. Plain chacalaca

Broad-winged hawk, photographed by Sophia.

Broad-winged hawk, photographed by Sophia.

  1. Altamira Oriole 2. Yellow-bellied sapsucker 3. Golden-fronted woodpecker 4. Curve-billed thrasher

The star of the RIo Grande Valley, TX. The Greenjay

The star of the RIo Grande Valley, TX. The Greenjay