Photographing humpbacks in Tonga.
It all begins again. A brand new year. I have never been much of a New Years resolution guy, but I always try and think about fresh new ideas and I always want to set new goals. Of course, like most resolutions they tend to fade with time and life and inconvenience. However, the one thing I always say to myself each year is - I want to communicate even better with you all. I want to share more stories, and write more blogs and create more videos, and so on and so on.
Dancing with tigers in the Bahamas
I am a story teller, I always have been. It is how I communicate the best. The thing is, how should I communicate? There are so many platforms to do it on, and I try to do my best on each of them, but it is not easy. I always start strong, but by mid-year, (sometimes sooner), I just stop, and I always fall short. I love recording video blogs, but that is so time consuming, and not always the easiest emotionally to do and share. I know I need to bring someone in to edit them for me, but again, I am not really sure if I am there yet for that?
I love photography, that one is the easiest, because you can post a photo, write a caption and then put it out there pretty quickly. But photos don’t always express what I think or feel about an amazing moment, the way video does.
Photographing jaguars in Brazil.
I just don’t know? I do know that I truly enjoy writing, it is the one thing I have always enjoyed. So I may be doing more of that this season. Maybe it is not as exciting as a vlog, but it is where my heart has always felt free. So I might do a lot more writing this year. I mean, I write in a journal almost daily, but of course I do not share most of that. Something’s have to be written for yourself, to keep your mind and soul beating together, and for my sanity. Expressing my thoughts in a journal, is just how I have always done that.
Hanging out with Gambit the crocodile. Banco Chinchorro, MX.
All I know is, I want to create more content for you guys, but… I do not want to promise you guys that I will be sharing more scheduled (vlogs, or blogs, or images, or videos, or podcasts, (even though that is way over due). ), and then fail and fall short when they do not come out in a timely fashion. I always stress out about it, and it loses its enjoyment. With our crazy schedule, I am just going to do as much as I can, and share as much as I can of this amazing life that we are experiencing. I will be doing a lot this year, just not going to create a schedule that I stress out about when I miss a date, or a week. So I am gonna wing it, and in the end will mean much more fun for me, and a lot more posts.
In Norway for orcas.
Because at the end, the reason I love doing all this is, I get to talk about animals and the amazing places that they live in. And my passion is the animals and sharing their story with you all. That is the stuff I live for.
Anyway, this little rant is just the beginning of the many rants and vlogs coming your way this year. This one, wasn’t specifically about animals, it is just some thoughts I wanted to share with you all. So until the next one my friends… of course, not sure when it will be, but for sure there will be a next one. lol
Thanks for reading.