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We just added a new podcast to our website and diverse social media outlets. This is something we have wanted to do for years! Super excited for this and really excited about sharing it with you all here. I am working on getting it on all the different outlets that carry podcasts and as we get picked up by the different places, we will let you guys know where you all can listen to it and hopefully subscribe to our show. For now it is available on Anchor and Spotify. Here is the link for you, if you are interested in checking it out. We will soon have a page dedicated solely to our podcast.

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For our first episode of SDM’s Wild World, we sat down with Captain Scott Smith of the Dolphin Dream. The DD is a liveaboard we have been chartering since 2005 for our tiger sharks and great hammerhead expeditions to Tiger Beach. During this podcast, we talked, sharks, dolphins, eco-tourism and the life he has been living as a dive boat captain for the past 40 years! Hope you enjoy.

I sat down with Capt Scott Smith, owner of the Dolphin Dream, the boat operator we have used to dive Tiger Beach for the past 16 seasons. We talked sharks, dolphins, eco-tourism and the past 40 years of Captain's life, living and working and playing in the Bahamas