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New Trip Report is up!

I am so behind on blogs and trip reports, and videos. So crazy how fast time flies sometimes. It is freaking December already! I am working on ideas for the 2021 season, regardless of the covid craziness sweeping the world. I have plans to maximize my time out there to share what is happening in our world. I used this year to soul search, to try and find myself and I am working on becoming a better human being. I am still failing hard at it, and I have a long way to go with a lot of fences that need major mending, but I am on a good path right now, excited for the future. I am constantly learning and still have so much to do to fix as much of it as I possibly can, but I have plans to fix it all.

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Anyway, off my therapy soapbox, and the reason for this blog… I just finished our trip report for our Tiger and Great Hammerhead Expedition that I just came back from. Of course I still have not written up so many of our other trip reports from earlier this season, but I decided to get this one up and move on to working on the next one. I was motivated to get it done, because I am super happy with the images from this trip. We had such great moments and I was able to grab the journal notes and share them with you all on the report.

Click here to read it… hope you enjoy.