shark diving blog, video blog, swimming with sharks, eli martinez, eli the shark guy, eli the shark guy martinez, eli shark, shark diver magazine, shark diver


Swimming with a blue whale.

Swimming with a blue whale.

Well, it is day whatever of quarantine life. Sorry guys for not coming up with new content, or hell, even old stuff. I just have not been in the right mind for it. The lack of traveling and adventures, I think has broken me… or at least my heart. Trying to figure out our new reality, and the new world we will be stepping out into when this is all said and done, is something that has consumed my mind. 

Gonna be honest man, I am lost with what to think about the whole thing. The thing this quarantine has done is allowed us more time, for reading and watching what is happening to the world around us. I have seen so much of what is out there, and what the media is sharing… during that time I have learned a bunch, but my opinions and thoughts about what I believe this is - I am going to refrain from sharing those thoughts with you all here.  Becuase I don’t want to piss anyone off, or be called a tin foil hat guy, or hurt anyone’s feelings. So I would just rather not talk about it, other than sharing with you guys, that it is on my mind. 

I think, I will save it for those late night chats with friends, as we try to piece together what the hell this was really all about? Hopefully, it will be on a wildlife trip somewhere, far away from everything, looking for wildlife. Because whatever this time we are living through right now is, at least the memory of it, will be with us for a LONG, LONG time. 

Working out there with my boy David, adds to the fun of it.

Working out there with my boy David, adds to the fun of it.

So one of the other reasons I have been pretty quiet is, I have returned to my previous career before I turned, magazine publisher / shark guy / wildlife guide / wildlife photographer. Which is commercial construction. I have been helping my dad and brother in the company they own, and run, which is MJ Masonry. It is fun and hard work, and it keeps me busy and out under my beloved sun…and is helping me to pay the bills, which continue to come in, even though the world is closed. Go figure, the freaking bill collectors still want to be paid, despite the quarantine. 

So during this down time I have been doing a lot of soul searching, trying to figure things out. And so far… I haven’t figured out shit. I am guessing, I am like most everyone else, completely lost; trying to understand who I am, what I am, and where I am going. I am just not sure about much anymore. 


Dancing with Emma.

Dancing with Emma.

The one thing I am 100% certain of is this… I miss encountering wild animals in wild places! Damn, do I freaking miss being out in the wild, seeing animals.  Maybe, that is why I have been feeling lost and confused lately, I am going through wildlife withdrawals. And no amount of photo editing, or video watching is going to fix it. I NEED to see them, to smell them and feel them (not physically of course, unless it is tiger sharks), but feel their souls. Look into their eyes and just watch them. 

Maybe I am not lost at all? Maybe, I am just lonely - not for people or things, but to be reconnected with wildlife and nature. That is the one thing that this quarantine has for sure taught me. Other than my love for my family and friends, my heart and soul truly belongs to being out in nature. It remains my true passion in life, and once this thing is over, that is the first thing I am going to do… Get back outside and find some wild animals and repair my broken heart.

Thanks for reading guys, and I hope to see you out in the world somewhere, someday, very soon.