Bull sealion. We stopped by the sealion colony off Cabo San Lucas, MX. on the way out to snap a few images.
Well, we got skunked, damn it!
It happens.
This is why we run these trips over several days because with pelagic sharks, you just never know if and when they will show up. Today they were a no-show. AND the day was perfection. The weather was beautiful, and the water visibility was an incredible deep blue. The vis looked insane. Of course, I didn’t get in to confirm it, but from the surface, it was WOW.
All we needed was some sharks… and NADA! Nothing, no sharks showed up.
Our group was disappointed with the makos no-show today, but that is part of the dance. You can not have good days without bad ones. It is all about time in the water and the magic is out there waiting for us.
But that is what nature sometimes does. She decides that you need a kick in the teeth, and to remind you that what we are doing is not easy. If we want to find makos to dive with, we are going to have to put in the time.
We still have three days left, thankfully, so there is time to get back out there and find some sharks to dive with.
At the end of the day, on the way back into the marina, we stopped to watch some common dolphins jumping around and a couple of humpback whales in the middle of all that craziness. I snapped a fluke shot that looked like it might be worth sharing, and after that, we motored in and called it a day.
We are just going to have to wait until tomorrow to find our magic… and I do not doubt that Day Three will be our day… I can feel it!
Until then my friends, thanks for reading.