Day 1 - The weather was amazing! Today was a beautiful day at sea. The sun was out, and the water was nice and calm. It was so good, everything you hope for when you set out on an open ocean adventure. There was some wind, but we needed that to help us chum.
On the way out, we encountered several humpback whales. The whales were in the green water near the island, and we wanted sharks so we pressed on.
We motored out for about ten miles, hit our marks, and killed the engine to start chumming. Our group was eager to find us some makos. Makos are always the stars of these pelagic shark dives. Blue sharks are amazing, but makos are just rock stars.
After about 3 hours of chumming, we had our first shark show up. It was a nice-sized silky shark, which was a surprise because they are not supposed to be here. It is the wrong time of year for silkies.
They obviously did not get the memo.
Our group quickly geared up to jump in. I decided to stay on board and watch from the boat. Everyone else jumped in with our trusty guide and safety diver, Fer. I wanted them to get some solid water time with this shark. Just in case, it decided not to stay.
After a good 30 minutes, the shark disappeared. Shortly after that, a second silky appeared. This one was a bit shy and would not come in close.
It didn’t stay long.
silky shark
The shark returned after a while, and I jumped in to get a look at it. Again, it remained shy and did not come in close. I snapped a few images, but nothing I got excited about. I did not bother opening up my camera housing to look at the images.
We chummed for another hour but no other sharks came in. After that we called it a day and headed in. It was a good day and a fun way to kick off the trip. Of course as I sit here journaling about the day, I am already excited about Day Two… day two is going to be even better, and we will find our makos.
I can feel it!