Venice, LA 2009
Well, we are going through a crazy, crazy time. Sad that it all had to come to this, but honestly, we humans, collectively were asking for this. We have sinned so much against nature, that I believe she finally struck back. It doesn’t matter how the virus got here; whether it was consuming animals, or escaped a viral facility, or released by some mad man. In the end, Mother Earth wins a much needed break from us.
Anyway, that rant is over and now onto the reason for this blog. Well, it looks like traveling for me will be out for a while, and to keep my mind from exploding during this time out, I will be using it productively. Doing what I love to do, when I am not out in the world with wild animals. Which is to write, and edit photos and videos. I figure, since many of you will be stuck at home, sort of in the same predicament as I am, I will be creating content for you all, to read and watch and listen too, over the next few months.
Somewhere on the road 2008
So get ready to hear from me quite a bit, as I run through memory lane with videos, images and stories from 17 years of running trips around this wonderful world, I have had the pleasure of experiencing for the better part of my adult life.
San Diego, CA. 2009
Going to share everything; both the highs and lows, because honestly it wasn’t always perfect. There was definitely dark times there, from bad seas, to sicknesses, to no animals showing up, too low moments in my personal life. But there were also high - highs as well. Looking forward to seeing what I can find for you all - to share from my journey over the next few months, as we go through this crazy corona thing together.
Until then; stay safe, wash your hands, take care of yourself, your loved ones, and your neighbor.
Our thoughts and heart are always with you.
Eli Martinez