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The Ocean is Always Calling!

We all have dreams—especially us wildlife guys (and girls). We dream about traveling, hiking, and diving in unique places and sometimes not-so-amazing places - all in pursuit of finding elusive animals.

I love the land stuff; the forests, the mountains, the Arctic Tundra. There is so much majesty and mystery out there.

I can't get enough.

But… there is nothing in the world like the ocean, and all her magic and all her beauty, and all her secrets.

I dream a lot about the ocean and all the beauty swimming around within her belly.

With the ocean, you never know what she will gift you. It is a fantastic place, and every day is different — she will always surprise you.

But as impressive as the ocean is, she can also be cruel, and she will test a person's soul to see if they are worthy of her greatness.

I have spent countless hours on and in the ocean, and there have been many times when I wished I had never set one foot on a boat.

There have been moments when I cursed the ocean, winds, and the tides, afraid for my life.

I have prayed and begged to be back in the safety of dry land.

Wishing I had chosen rock climbing, or mountain biking, or basket weaving instead of ocean wildlife as my passion.

Of course, when it is all over, and I am dry again, like a true addict, I am already planning my next ocean adventure.

The ocean continues to call to people like me. There is a deep love for ocean wildlife and a need to see them and interact with them.

It pulls at my very soul.

It is tough to explain to people who do not dive for animals. Because unless you drop down and see them for yourself, you will never understand the greatness of nature and the ocean.

Out there in those waters, magic happens, and dreams come true.

Out there is a beauty, unlike anything you will ever see on land.

Under those waves, we are free, and sharing mere moments with sharks, whales, or a sea horse is worth all the ocean beatings, all the wind storms, and all the freezing rain a human soul can endure…

Damn it!

Now I am all fired up and itching to get back out there again.