shark diving blog, video blog, swimming with sharks, eli martinez, eli the shark guy, eli the shark guy martinez, eli shark, shark diver magazine, shark diver

dream job

Hightlight Reel In the Works!

I am working on a new reel for our website. Well, it is a highlight reel for our recent grey whale trip. I have been procrastinating putting one together because reels take such a long time to create (at least for me. ) Some people can knock them out in a few hours.

It takes me longer than that.

I also have been pretty quiet on our website lately. I have been sharing daily on our FB and IG pages, but I have not been active on our website.

That is going to change.

I decided to begin sharing daily journals with you guys.

We are not always out in the world looking for animals.


We spend a lot of time at home in between trips.

During this downtime, I am constantly editing and writing, but so much of that content ends up not getting shared.

So I decided I want to share more on our website for those few who are interested in what we have to say and share.

The magic of this life is definitely out in the world looking for wildlife, but the art we create from those adventures happens while we are in the office sitting behind a computer, writing and dreaming about this wildlife world.

So expect more blog posts, because I plan to share a lot more…

Until Tomorrow!

Life Will Not Wait For You!

There is a sad reality on how many people go through life stuck in a routine. They wake up every day, go to work, come home, feed the kids (if you have kids), walk a dog, eat, then go to bed. 

Wash, then repeat. 

Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with routine; we all need them. I have mine. But if this is your whole life, without any twists and turns in it - no adventures, no fears, then yes, there is a problem.

I knew a guy who was fifty-five years old, and lived his whole life in my home town, as a freelance carpenter. He was terrified of driving 40 miles out of town to get to a potential job, so he wouldn’t take it if he had to go by himself. 

I have trouble understanding that mindset. But hey, the guy seemed happy, always had a smile when I saw him. So, if this is how you want to spend your life, good for you. You know what you want... and that is all that matters, knowing what you want and living the life YOU want to live. 

But if you are reading my blog, or subscribe to my newsletters, you probably want something more out of life, because that is what I write about... Travel, adventure, the magical world filled with wildlife, and the total unexpected.

I always wonder how many people live out their lives wishing they were doing something else with their lives? Or living somewhere else? Or just traveling more. I will be bold and say 90-95% of us do. 

So it leaves me thinking... Why are we slaves to routine? 

Why are we afraid to step out our doors without the certainty that we are coming back? Why are we all afraid to do something new or totally out of character?

This a harsh truth for some people to hear, I know and I am sorry. But sadly life will not wait for your "one day, I am gonna..."

Life will pass you by.

I know this is deep for a Tuesday morning, but I was thinking about this over the weekend, and I realize that people sometimes need a wake-up call - this one is yours.

Have an amazing week my friends!