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wildlife adventure

A Month and a half of Adventures... From Anacondas to Right Whales!

We are gearing up for the next month and a half of epic adventures.

We’re about to embark on back-to-back trips that promise incredible wildlife encounters, breathtaking landscapes, and unforgettable moments.

It’s going to be so good, and I can’t wait to share this journey with you all.

Week 1: Swimming with Anacondas in Brazil

We kick off our adventure in Brazil diving with anacondas. For the first week, we'll be diving in the clear waters of the Formoso River in the heart of the Brazilian Pantanal.

Here, we'll search for the elusive green anaconda, the largest snake in the world. There's something truly thrilling about being in the water with these massive ancient predators.

It’s an experience that challenges our perceptions of snakes and allows us to see them in a whole new light.

We'll also be on the lookout for other fascinating creatures, like giant anteaters, dwarf caimans, capybaras, and a plethora of bird species that make this region so unique.

Week 2: Jaguars and Maned Wolves in the Northern Pantanal

From the water to the dense, lush forests of the Northern Pantanal, our second week will be all about big cats and other iconic wildlife.

This region is one of the best places in the world to photograph jaguars in their natural habitat, and we’re hoping for some spectacular encounters.

There's nothing quite like the thrill of spotting a jaguar stalking through the underbrush or lounging by the riverbanks.

But jaguars aren't the only stars of the show. We’re also on the lookout for giant river otters, caiman, capybaras, tapirs, and the elusive manned wolf, with its long legs and striking red fur.

Week 3 and 4: Exploring the Amazon River with Botos

Our adventures continue as we head deeper into Brazil, this time to the Amazon River. For our third week, we will be immersed in the dense, vibrant rainforests of the Amazon, home to some of the most diverse wildlife on the planet.

Our primary focus will be the Amazon river dolphins, or botos, known for their playful behavior and distinctive pink color.

We have back-to-back trips planned, which gives us ample opportunity to photograph and interact with these incredible dolphins in their natural environment.

Alongside the botos, the Amazon offers an array of wildlife encounters, from colorful macaws, caiman, curious monkeys that are seen regularly at our eco-lodge.

A big goal for me while in the area is to see and photograph a sloth. There are three different species that can be found in the area we will be visiting. I really dont care what species we find. I just really want to photograph one.

Weeks 5: Right Whales in Argentina

After four weeks in the wilds of Brazil, we are flying to Argentina for one of the highlights of our season: spending time diving with right whales in Patagonia.

This part of the journey is truly a dream come true for me. There's a particular magic in observing these gentle giants up close, watching them breach, slap their tails, and with our special government permits, swimming alongside these gentle giants.

We will be based in the Peninsula Valdés, a UNESCO World Heritage site, where these whales come to breed and give birth. It’s a unique opportunity to witness these majestic creatures in a protected environment, and it always leaves me in awe of the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

Magellanic penguin in Patagonia

These trips are more than just a chance to see incredible wildlife; they’re an opportunity to connect with nature, to learn from it, and to help protect these wild places and the wildlife that inhabits them.

As much as we are here to enjoy and photograph the wildlife, we also have a responsibility to protect it.

Ecotourism plays a vital role in conservation efforts, providing financial support for the communities and the protection of habitats and wildlife.

My hope is that these adventures inspire you to appreciate the beauty of our planet and to consider how you, too, can contribute to preserving what remains of our wild places.

Stay tuned for a lot of photos, blogs and videos from our adventures, and thank you for reading and joining us on this journey!

Photographing Wildlife... Some Tips for Capturing Animals in Action.

Photographing wildlife has always been one of my greatest passions. There's nothing quite like the thrill of capturing a great image of an animal in its natural habitat, whether it’s a tiger prowling through the forest or an orca, mom and calf swimming through the ocean.

Over the years, I’ve learned that getting the perfect shot is more than just having a good camera; it’s about understanding the behavior of the animals and being prepared to capture those fleeting moments.

Here are some essential tips I’ve gathered from my own adventures in the wild, which I hope will help you capture stunning wildlife photos of your own.

1. Understand Animal Behavior

One of the first things I realized early on is the importance of understanding the animals you’re photographing. Every species has unique behaviors, and being familiar with these can help you anticipate their movements.

For example, if you’re photographing a fox, knowing that they tend to be more active at dawn and dusk can guide you on the best times to shoot. Similarly, understanding that a perched bird will often defecate right before flight can help you prepare for the perfect shot just as it takes off.

This type of knowledge has helped me capture some of my most cherished photos.

2. Choose the Right Camera Settings

When it comes to wildlife photography, your camera settings can make or break your shot. Fast-moving animals require a faster shutter speed to freeze the action. I typically set my shutter speed to at least 1/2000th of a second for fast-moving subjects like birds or big cats.

If you’re photographing slower animals, such as tortoises or resting deer, you can afford a slower shutter speed.

Aperture settings also play a crucial role. A wider aperture (like f/2.8 or f/4) allows for a shallow depth of field, making your subject stand out against a beautifully blurred background. This works wonderfully when photographing animals in dense foliage or when you want to isolate them from a busy environment.

3. Be Patient and Stay Ready

Patience is your best friend in wildlife photography. I’ve spent countless hours sitting quietly, waiting for that perfect moment.

Whether it’s waiting for a bobcat to pop out of the bushes to catch a bird, or for a breaching whale, those moments don’t come on command.

But trust me, the wait is always worth it… so always have your camera ready.

Wildlife is unpredictable, and you never know when an animal will make a sudden move. Keep your camera on and your finger on the shutter. A quick reflex can mean the difference between capturing a fleeting moment, or missing it altogether.

4. Focus on the Eyes

There’s a saying in wildlife photography: “If you can see the eyes, you can see the soul.” I find this to be true.

Focusing on the animal’s eyes can create a powerful connection between the subject and the viewer. It brings life to the photo and can tell a good story.

Whenever possible, try to lock focus on the eyes of the animal.

5. Respect Wildlife and Their Habitat

Last but certainly not least, ALWAYS respect the wildlife and their natural environment. Keeping a safe distance not only protects you but also prevents stress to the animals.

Remember, we are guests in their world.

Wildlife photography is an art that combines technical skill with a deep respect for nature. Every shot is a new adventure, a new story waiting to be told. So grab your camera, do your research, be patient, and above all, enjoy every moment in the wild.

Happy shooting!