This is Part 4 of a 10 part Natural Light Photography Series.
In underwater photography, your shutter speed plays a crucial role in capturing sharp, dynamic images. Whether you’re photographing the graceful glide of a shark or the lightning-fast movements of a dolphin, choosing the right shutter speed is essential. In this blog, I’ll share my approach to setting shutter speed for natural light photography and explain why it’s one of the most critical tools in your underwater arsenal.
The Basics of Shutter Speed Underwater
Shutter speed determines how long your camera’s sensor is exposed to light. A faster shutter speed freezes motion, while a slower shutter speed lets in more light but risks motion blur. In underwater photography, where both you and your subject are often moving, this balance becomes even more delicate.
Understanding Shutter Speed: From freezing fast motion to creating smooth, dreamy effects – master the art of light and movement.
When shooting with strobes, a common shutter speed is 1/125, but for natural light photography, it’s a whole different story. Your settings will depend on:
The subject’s speed and movement
The available light
Your ability to stay steady while shooting
My Go-To Shutter Speeds
Slow-Moving Subjects (e.g., Tiger Sharks, whales):
Shutter Speed: 1/320
Why: Tiger sharks and whales move at a slow, deliberate pace, but both the animals and I are in motion. At 1/320, I can confidently capture their details without motion blur.
Fast-Moving Subjects (e.g., Dolphins, Sea lions):
Shutter Speed: 1/500
Why: Dolphins and sea lions are incredibly fast and often unpredictable. A faster shutter speed ensures I can freeze their motion, even while swimming hard to keep up. For fast-moving animals, 1/500 is my absolute minimum. While I would prefer to go higher for an even crisper image, doing so often requires increasing the ISO, which can introduce too much noise into my photos. Finding the right balance is key when shooting in natural light underwater.
Low-Light Conditions (e.g., Orcas in Norway):
Shutter Speed: 1/125 or lower (if necessary)
Why: In places like Norway, where sunlight is limited or non-existent during winter, slower shutter speeds are unavoidable. While this can lead to some blur or grain (due to higher ISO), it’s often the only way to get a usable image.
Why I Stick to 1/320 for Most Shots
For the wildlife I typically photograph—big, toothy animals like sharks—1/320 has become my magic number. It’s fast enough to freeze motion while still allowing enough light for a well-exposed image. Some might say it’s on the higher side, but for me, it strikes the perfect balance for sharp, detailed results.
When to Adjust Shutter Speed
Increase Shutter Speed: For faster animals or when shooting in bright conditions.
Decrease Shutter Speed: In low-light environments or when photographing slower-moving subjects.
Practical Tips for Underwater Shutter Speed
Keep Your Camera Steady: Even the slightest movement can cause blur when shooting underwater. Practice controlling your breathing and staying as still as possible.
Test and Adapt: Start with a base shutter speed (like 1/320) and adjust based on the animal and lighting conditions.
Use Your Histogram: Check your histogram regularly to ensure your exposure is balanced, especially when adjusting shutter speed.
The Importance of Experimentation
Shutter speed isn’t a one-size-fits-all setting. It depends on your subject, the conditions, and your creative goals. The more you experiment, the better you’ll understand what works for your style of photography and the animals you love to capture.
Coming Next
In the next blog, I’ll dive into aperture—another critical setting for natural light photography. Learn how to achieve the perfect depth of field and ensure your subjects are always in focus, even when shooting blind. Stay tuned!
PART ONE - Is Natural Light Photography Photography For You?
PART TWO - The Euphotic Zone! Your best friend.
PART THREE - Custom White Balance, Natural Lights Secret Weapon.
PART FOUR - Shutter Speed: Freezing Moments Underwater.
PART FIVE - Aperture: Achieving Sharpness and Depth Underwater
PART SIX - ISO: Balancing Light Sensitivity Underwater
PART SEVEN - Focus Points: Keeping Your Subject Sharp Underwater
PART EIGHT - The Histogram: Your Underwater Photography Lifeline
PART NINE - Post-Processing: Bringing Your Underwater Images to Life.
PART TEN - The Freedom of Natural Light Photography: A Connection to the Wild