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Shutter Speed: Freezing Moments Underwater

This is Part 4 of a 10 part Natural Light Photography Series.

In underwater photography, your shutter speed plays a crucial role in capturing sharp, dynamic images. Whether you’re photographing the graceful glide of a shark or the lightning-fast movements of a dolphin, choosing the right shutter speed is essential. In this blog, I’ll share my approach to setting shutter speed for natural light photography and explain why it’s one of the most critical tools in your underwater arsenal.

The Basics of Shutter Speed Underwater

Shutter speed determines how long your camera’s sensor is exposed to light. A faster shutter speed freezes motion, while a slower shutter speed lets in more light but risks motion blur. In underwater photography, where both you and your subject are often moving, this balance becomes even more delicate.

Understanding Shutter Speed: From freezing fast motion to creating smooth, dreamy effects – master the art of light and movement.

When shooting with strobes, a common shutter speed is 1/125, but for natural light photography, it’s a whole different story. Your settings will depend on:

  • The subject’s speed and movement

  • The available light

  • Your ability to stay steady while shooting

My Go-To Shutter Speeds

  1. Slow-Moving Subjects (e.g., Tiger Sharks, whales):

    • Shutter Speed: 1/320

    • Why: Tiger sharks and whales move at a slow, deliberate pace, but both the animals and I are in motion. At 1/320, I can confidently capture their details without motion blur.

  2. Fast-Moving Subjects (e.g., Dolphins, Sea lions):

    • Shutter Speed: 1/500

    • Why: Dolphins and sea lions are incredibly fast and often unpredictable. A faster shutter speed ensures I can freeze their motion, even while swimming hard to keep up. For fast-moving animals, 1/500 is my absolute minimum. While I would prefer to go higher for an even crisper image, doing so often requires increasing the ISO, which can introduce too much noise into my photos. Finding the right balance is key when shooting in natural light underwater.

  3. Low-Light Conditions (e.g., Orcas in Norway):

    • Shutter Speed: 1/125 or lower (if necessary)

    • Why: In places like Norway, where sunlight is limited or non-existent during winter, slower shutter speeds are unavoidable. While this can lead to some blur or grain (due to higher ISO), it’s often the only way to get a usable image.

Why I Stick to 1/320 for Most Shots

For the wildlife I typically photograph—big, toothy animals like sharks—1/320 has become my magic number. It’s fast enough to freeze motion while still allowing enough light for a well-exposed image. Some might say it’s on the higher side, but for me, it strikes the perfect balance for sharp, detailed results.

When to Adjust Shutter Speed

  • Increase Shutter Speed: For faster animals or when shooting in bright conditions.

  • Decrease Shutter Speed: In low-light environments or when photographing slower-moving subjects.

Practical Tips for Underwater Shutter Speed

  1. Keep Your Camera Steady: Even the slightest movement can cause blur when shooting underwater. Practice controlling your breathing and staying as still as possible.

  2. Test and Adapt: Start with a base shutter speed (like 1/320) and adjust based on the animal and lighting conditions.

  3. Use Your Histogram: Check your histogram regularly to ensure your exposure is balanced, especially when adjusting shutter speed.

The Importance of Experimentation

Shutter speed isn’t a one-size-fits-all setting. It depends on your subject, the conditions, and your creative goals. The more you experiment, the better you’ll understand what works for your style of photography and the animals you love to capture.

Coming Next

In the next blog, I’ll dive into aperture—another critical setting for natural light photography. Learn how to achieve the perfect depth of field and ensure your subjects are always in focus, even when shooting blind. Stay tuned!


PART ONE - Is Natural Light Photography Photography For You?
PART TWO - The Euphotic Zone! Your best friend.
PART THREE - Custom White Balance, Natural Lights Secret Weapon.
PART FOUR - Shutter Speed: Freezing Moments Underwater.
PART FIVE - Aperture: Achieving Sharpness and Depth Underwater
PART SIX - ISO: Balancing Light Sensitivity Underwater
PART SEVEN - Focus Points: Keeping Your Subject Sharp Underwater
PART EIGHT - The Histogram: Your Underwater Photography Lifeline
PART NINE - Post-Processing: Bringing Your Underwater Images to Life.
PART TEN - The Freedom of Natural Light Photography: A Connection to the Wild

Custom White Balance: The Key to Vibrant Underwater Images

This is Part 3 of a 10 part Natural Light Photography Series.

Thresher Shark off Malapascua Island, Phillipeans. Depth 70’ 1/250, f8, ISO 1250

When it comes to natural light photography underwater, no tool is more important than custom white balance. This technique allows you to compensate for the loss of color as you descend and is essential for capturing vibrant, true-to-life images. If you don’t master this skill, you’ll struggle to retain the natural beauty of the underwater world in your photos.

Why Custom White Balance Matters

Underwater, colors disappear quickly:

  • Reds vanish at around 15 feet.

  • Oranges at 30 feet.

  • Yellows at 60 feet.
    By the time you’re at 100 feet, you’re left with muted greens and blues.

Reef off Malapascua Island, Philippines. Depth 50 feet. 1/160, f4.5, ISO 800

Custom white balance tells your camera what “white” should look like in your current conditions, helping it correctly interpret other colors. Without it, even the most perfectly composed shots will appear dull and washed out. While post-processing can help to some extent, getting it right in-camera is the best way to ensure your images look stunning.

How to Set Custom White Balance

  1. Ignore Camera Presets:
    Built-in white balance presets (e.g., “daylight” or “cloudy”) aren’t designed for underwater use and won’t give you accurate results. Go straight to custom white balance mode.

  2. Find a Reference Object:
    Snap a photo of something white or gray that’s lit by the same light you’ll be shooting in. This tells your camera what white should look like in those conditions. Common references include:

    • White balance cards (designed for underwater use)

    • The sand on the ocean floor (a favorite of mine)

    • White fins, wetsuit trim, or dive slates

  3. Recalibrate Often:
    Light changes as you descend or ascend, so you’ll need to adjust your custom white balance every 10 to 20 feet to maintain accurate color representation.

Great Hammerhead off Tiger Beach, Bahamas. Depth 40 feet. 1/320, f8, ISO 250

What If You Don’t Have a White Balance Card?

Improvisation is key! Some options I’ve used include:

  • The bottom of a boat (if it’s white)

  • A diver’s tank (as a gray reference)

  • Propeller blades when swimming near the surface

Just be sure to communicate with your dive buddies beforehand if you plan to use their gear for calibration. No one wants to feel awkward when they catch you taking close-ups of their fins or tank!

Schooling Jacks at Cabo Pulmo, MX. Depth 50 feet. 1/320, f9, ISO 640

Tips for Success

  • Experiment Until You’re Happy: Don’t be afraid to adjust multiple times during a dive. Each dive site and condition is different, and the more you practice, the better you’ll become.

  • Pre-Set Your Camera Settings: Before setting white balance, make sure your shutter speed, aperture, and ISO are already dialed in for the conditions. This ensures a balanced exposure and gives you a better foundation to work with.

  • Use the Histogram: Check your histogram regularly to confirm proper exposure and avoid relying solely on the camera’s LCD screen, which can be misleading underwater.

The Freedom to Create

Once you’ve mastered custom white balance, you’ll unlock a new level of creative freedom in your photography. You’ll be able to produce vibrant images that capture the underwater world as you see it—full of life and color.

Coming Next

In the next blog, we’ll explore shutter speed and how to use it effectively to capture movement underwater. From slow-moving sharks to speedy dolphins, mastering your shutter speed is critical to creating sharp, dynamic images. Stay tuned!


PART ONE - Is Natural Light Photography Photography For You?
PART TWO - The Euphotic Zone! Your best friend.
PART THREE - Custom White Balance, Natural Lights Secret Weapon.
PART FOUR - Shutter Speed: Freezing Moments Underwater.
PART FIVE - Aperture: Achieving Sharpness and Depth Underwater
PART SIX - ISO: Balancing Light Sensitivity Underwater
PART SEVEN - Focus Points: Keeping Your Subject Sharp Underwater
PART EIGHT - The Histogram: Your Underwater Photography Lifeline
PART NINE - Post-Processing: Bringing Your Underwater Images to Life.
PART TEN - The Freedom of Natural Light Photography: A Connection to the Wild

The Euphotic Zone: Your Best Friend in Natural Light Photography

Beluga Whale off Churchill, Canada. 1/400, f9, ISO 1000.

This is Part 2 of 10 Part Underwater Natural Light Photography Series.

When shooting underwater using natural light, the euphotic zone is your playground. This is the uppermost layer of water that sunlight penetrates, and it’s where natural light photography truly comes to life. Understanding how light interacts with water in this zone is essential for creating stunning underwater images.

What is the Euphotic Zone?

The euphotic zone is the part of any body of water that receives bright and clear sunlight. Even in turbid, murky water, there’s always a euphotic zone—though it might only extend a few inches deep. In the tropics, where water clarity is exceptional, the euphotic zone can extend well beyond 260 feet—far past recreational diving depths.

This zone is where sunlight, or ambient light, allows photographers to capture natural, vibrant underwater scenes. For those relying on natural light, the euphotic zone is your best friend.

Pink Dolphin in the Amazon River, Brazil. 1/320, f5.6, ISO 2000

Here are two examples of wildlife thriving in very different Euphotic Zones: the pink dolphin of the Amazon River and the lemon shark of the Bahamas. Each represents the unique beauty and diversity of life in their distinct aquatic worlds. The pink dolphin thrives in the dim, low-light conditions of the Amazon River, navigating its murky waters with remarkable adaptations that allow it to flourish in this unique environment. In stark contrast, the lemon shark thrives in the clear, sunlit waters of the Bahamas, where high visibility and abundant light create the perfect conditions for this sleek predator to navigate and hunt.

Lemon Shark at Tiger Beach, Bahamas. 1/320, f8, ISO 400

How Light Behaves Underwater

Light behaves very differently underwater than it does on land. Water is about 800 times denser than air, which causes light to scatter and absorb quickly as it penetrates. The deeper you go, the more light—and color—you lose.

Hawksbill Sea Turtle off Playa Del Carmen, MX. 1/320, f5, ISO 800

Here’s how color disappears at different depths:

  • Red vanishes around 15 feet.

  • Orange fades by 30 feet.

  • Yellow disappears by 60 feet.

  • Green is absorbed around 100 feet, leaving only blues.

This means that the deeper you dive, the more muted and monochromatic your images will appear. Natural light photographers need to work within these limitations to create vibrant and well-exposed photos.

Whale Shark off Isla Mujeres, MX. 1/320, f9, 1/800

Tips for Working in the Euphotic Zone

  1. Stay Shallow:
    The closer you are to the surface, the more light and color you’ll have. For the best results shoot wildlife above 30 feet where reds and oranges are still visible.

  2. Time Your Dives:
    Early morning and late afternoon offer soft, diffused light that can add mood and dimension to your photos. Midday dives provide the most light penetration, which is great for capturing vibrant colors at deeper depths.

  3. Understand Water Clarity:
    Clear tropical waters extend the depth of the euphotic zone, while murky or nutrient-rich waters will reduce it significantly. Adjust your expectations and camera settings accordingly.

  4. Position the Sun Behind You:
    Just like on land, keeping the sun at your back ensures your subject is well-lit and shadows are minimized. Unless you are going for an artsy image and then you want your subject to be backlit by the sun.

Tiger Shark at Tiger Beach, Bahamas. 1/250, f8 ISO 400

The Challenges of the Euphotic Zone

Natural light photography in the euphotic zone is not without its difficulties. Clouds, tides, and weather can all affect light penetration. Additionally, the further you descend, the harder it becomes to maintain vibrant colors without proper camera settings and techniques like custom white balance (which I’ll cover in a future post).

Why the Euphotic Zone is Worth It

Despite the challenges, the euphotic zone offers unparalleled opportunities for natural light photographers. The sunlight filtering through water creates breathtaking effects, like god rays that cut through the blue, or the shimmering light patterns on the ocean floor. These natural phenomena can add depth and drama to your images, creating compositions that feel both authentic and otherworldly.

Sealion off Baja, MX. 1/400, f9, ISO 640

Why Choose Natural Light for Underwater Photography?

Wildlife photographer Jean Dubois, shooting using natural light… Crocodile Diving off Banco Chinchorro, MX. 1/320, f8, ISO 500

When it comes to underwater photography, strobes are often the go-to choice for professionals. They bring out vibrant colors and allow for incredible detail in any lighting condition. However, there’s another side to underwater photography that’s often overlooked but equally exciting… Natural Light Photography.

This approach leverages ambient light from the sun to create images with a more organic and authentic feel. It’s less intrusive to wildlife, offers greater freedom of movement, and provides a unique challenge that pushes your skills as a photographer.

Black Manta Ray off Socorro Island, Mexico. 1/320, f8, ISO 1000

Let’s dive into why natural light photography is worth exploring.

One of the biggest advantages of natural light photography is the freedom it gives you underwater. Without strobes and bulky strobe arms attached to your camera rig, you’re far more streamlined. This makes swimming easier, especially when free diving or dealing with strong currents.

Great Hammerheads off Bimini Bahamas. 1/320, f8, ISO 320

More importantly, it allows you to move fluidly and follow wildlife with minimal disruption.

Animals are often spooked by flashing lights, but with natural light, you can get closer and stay longer, building trust and capturing more intimate moments.

Natural light photography is less intrusive, which can be a game-changer when photographing sensitive marine animals like sharks, whales, and dolphins. Without the startling pop of a strobe, they are more likely to stay calm and tolerate your presence.

Some of my favorite moments underwater have been with animals mere inches from my dome port, calmly going about their lives. It’s these moments that make natural light photography so rewarding—it’s not just about capturing a shot but trying to experience a genuine connection with the wildlife.

Right Whale off Patagonia, photographed under permit. 1/320, f9, ISO 800

Of course, natural light photography comes with its challenges. The underwater environment absorbs light and color at different depths:

  • Red disappears around 15 feet.

  • Orange fades by 30 feet.

  • Yellow is gone by 60 feet.

  • Greens fade by 100 feet, leaving mostly blues.

This means your ability to capture vibrant images depends heavily on factors like depth, water clarity, and time of day. Cloudy skies or low light conditions can make it even more difficult, requiring careful adjustments to your camera settings.

Great White Shark off Guadalupe Island, MX. 1/320, f8, ISO 400.

Despite the challenges, natural light photography is incredibly rewarding.

It forces you to think creatively, adapt to your environment, and work within the constraints of the available light. But, when you nail the exposure, composition, and timing, the results are nothing short of magical.

To me, natural light images have a raw, authentic feel that strobes can’t replicate. They reflect the beauty of the underwater world as it truly is—dynamic, ever-changing, and awe-inspiring.

Sailfish off Magdalena Island, MX. 1/640, f8, ISO 1600

Is Natural Light Photography for You?

Shooting with natural light allows you the opportunity to connect with wildlife on a deeper level. It’s not just a technique; it’s an experience that pushes you to grow as a photographer and a storyteller.

Stay tuned for the next blog in this series, where I’ll dive into the euphotic zone… the key to understanding how sunlight interacts with the underwater world and how to use it to your advantage.


PART ONE - Is Natural Light Photography Photography For You?
PART TWO - The Euphotic Zone! Your best friend.
PART THREE - Custom White Balance, Natural Lights Secret Weapon.
PART FOUR - Shutter Speed: Freezing Moments Underwater.
PART FIVE - Aperture: Achieving Sharpness and Depth Underwater
PART SIX - ISO: Balancing Light Sensitivity Underwater
PART SEVEN - Focus Points: Keeping Your Subject Sharp Underwater
PART EIGHT - The Histogram: Your Underwater Photography Lifeline
PART NINE - Post-Processing: Bringing Your Underwater Images to Life.
PART TEN - The Freedom of Natural Light Photography: A Connection to the Wild

Photo of the Day: Cenote Diving for a Morelet’s Crocodile in Tulum

1/250, f/9, ISO 1600

Today’s photo takes me back to an unforgettable cenote dive in Tulum, Mexico. I had the opportunity to go searching for a Morelet’s crocodile with a local guide and friend Tamara, who knew just the right spot where one of these elusive creatures is often sighted.

What made this dive unique was being able to use scuba gear. Typically, my crocodile encounters happen while snorkeling, but here I had the rare chance to explore the lagoon with a tank on my back. Cenote diving is an adventure in itself, with stunning swim-throughs, intricate rock formations, and the magical effect of light piercing through the water to create ethereal god rays.

We swam through the cenote for a while without any sign of the crocodile.

Just as we were beginning to think it might not show, we entered one of the cenote’s caves. Deep inside, in a small breathing hole, we finally spotted the croc. It seemed to be hiding there to escape the crowds of snorkeling tourists.

1/250, f/9, ISO 1600

Our bubbles inadvertently disturbed its rest, (sorry buddy), and it swam out of the cave and back into the lagoon. I followed it for a while, capturing different angles as it swam off. This Morelet’s crocodile was very calm, clearly habituated to humans. It allowed me to get close and take some fun shots.

I love crocodiles, their prehistoric features make them such fascinating and photogenic subjects.

1/200, f/9, ISO 1600

Photographing Morelet’s crocodiles in a cenote presents a unique challenge—low light, murky water, and the need for precision in settings. Unlike shooting in open ocean or bright sunlit environments, cenotes create a dim, shadowy atmosphere where every camera setting becomes a delicate balancing act.

One of the biggest obstacles was managing light without sacrificing clarity. The thick overhead canopy and deep water columns absorbed natural light, forcing me to make critical adjustments on the fly.

To compensate for the darkness, I had to lower my shutter speed while still keeping it fast enough to freeze any sudden movement. Bumping up my ISO was unavoidable, knowing that noise would creep into the image, but it was a necessary trade-off to maintain exposure.

I kept my f-stop at 9 to ensure the entire crocodile remained in focus. A wider aperture would have helped let in more light, but losing depth of field wasn’t an option. I wanted the full length of the animal sharp.

This meant dealing with increased noise in the shadows, a challenge that would later require noise reduction editing in post. But in that moment, it was about getting the shot, adjusting in real-time, and working with the limited natural light.

Photographing a predator like this in such conditions forces you to trust your instincts, adapt your settings, and embrace the imperfections that come with shooting in extreme environments.

1/200, f/9, ISO 1600

I spent about half an hour photographing the croc, enjoying the animal and the scenery before leaving it alone to continue its day.

It’s been a while since that adventure, but I’m due to return for another opportunity to capture this amazing animal in its natural habitat. Cenote diving is a unique experience, and sharing space with an animal like this only adds to the magic.

Through the Lens: Capturing Wildlife Moments That Tell a Story

Wildlife photography is so much more than just taking a picture. It’s about telling a story—one that evokes emotion, inspires awe, and sometimes even drives conservation efforts.

Through your lens, you’re not just capturing an image; you’re sharing a piece of the natural world that many people will never experience firsthand.

Polar Bears Play wrestling in the Churchill River, Canada. 1/5000, f5.6, ISO 1250

Great wildlife photography begins long before you press the shutter.

It starts with understanding animal behavior, researching the environment, and having the right gear for the job. Having good guides that know when and where to find your subject can make all the difference in the world.

Juvenile Elephant Seal. Patagonia, Argentina. 1/1600, f5.6, ISO 250

Timing your trips around migrations or mating seasons can provide incredible opportunities to witness unique behaviors.

Mating Atlantic Spotted Dolphins off Bimini, Bahamas. 1/500, f8, ISO 1000

Equally important is your equipment. While you don’t need the fanciest gear, having the right lens and a camera that performs well in low light can help make your shots better.

Arctic Fox off Churchill, Canada. 1/1600, f11, ISO 640

HOT TIP. Always carry extra batteries and memory cards—you never know when the perfect moment will happen. If nothing else I shared doesn’t resonate, remember this tip… I learned this one the hard way.

Blue Sheep Kibber Valley, Himalayas, India. 1/2500, f11, ISO 2000

Capturing dramatic compositions is key to creating images that stand out.

Use natural light to your advantage, whether it’s the golden glow of sunrise or the soft hues of sunset. Pay attention to your background and how it might complement your subject.

Sealion hunting baitballs off Magdalena Bay, Baja. 1/500, f8, ISO 1250

For fast-moving animals, mastering your camera’s focus settings is essential. Practice panning with moving subjects to achieve sharp focus on the animal while keeping a sense of motion in the image. And don’t be afraid to experiment—sometimes, the unexpected angles produce the most compelling results.

Jaguar hunting a yellow anaconda, Northern Pantanal Brazil. 1/4000, f5.6, ISO 1600

Wildlife photography comes with a responsibility to respect the animals and their environment.

Always keep a safe distance and avoid actions that could stress or disrupt the animal’s natural behavior. Remember, a great shot is never worth compromising the well-being of the wildlife you’re photographing.

Lemon Shark getting its teeth cleaned by a young remora off Tiger Beach. 1/320, f9, ISO 400.

While portraits of animals are beautiful, my personal favorite images are behavior shots.

There’s something magical about capturing an animal in action—whether it’s a whale breaching, a bird feeding its chicks, or a predator stalking prey.

Behavior images tell a story and bring the animal’s world to life in a way that static portraits simply cannot.

Bobcat catching red winged blackbird, Rio Grande Valley, Texas. 1/1000, f7.1, ISO 5000

One of my most memorable shots was of a bobcat catching a bird while jumping through the air. The image was not perfect, however the long hours we put into trying to capture this wild moment is why this image will forever be one of my favorites.

Giant River Otters, Northern Pantanal, Brazil. 1/1600, f7.1, ISO 1000

Wildlife photography is a journey of patience, skill, passion, and a lot of luck!

Each image you capture is a window into the natural world. It is your chance to inspire, educate, and protect our beloved wildlife.

So grab your camera, step into the wild, and start telling stories.

New Year... New Adventures and Our Vision for 2025

Happy New Year!

Image by Becky Kegan

As we welcome 2025, we want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journeys of 2024 and share our vision for the year ahead. Thank you for being part of this adventure with us—whether you joined us on a trip, followed our stories online, or supported our work from afar.

Your enthusiasm fuels everything we do.

Looking Back at 2024
Last year was filled with unforgettable moments. From swimming with orcas in Norway to capturing baitball action during the Sardine Run in Baja… we shared awe-inspiring experiences with amazing people.

Each trip reminded us of the beauty and fragility of the natural world and reinforced our commitment to conservation.

What’s Ahead for 2025
This year, we have new dreams…

We’re introducing a new destination, Brown Bears in Katmai. We are also enhancing our Youtube Channel, and finding even more ways to connect you with the incredible wildlife and ecosystems that make our planet so special.

Whether it’s swimming alongside humpback whales in Tonga, exploring remote mangroves for elusive predators, or photographing iconic marine life, 2025 promises to be packed with adventure.

We’re also doubling down on our conservation efforts, using our platform to raise awareness for endangered species and vulnerable habitats.

By sharing these stories, we aim to inspire others to cherish and protect what is left of our wild places that we love so much.

Join Us on This Journey.

We can’t wait to kick off this season and share this year’s adventures with you.

If you’ve been dreaming of a bucket-list trip or have a destination in mind, now’s the perfect time to make it happen.

Check out our upcoming trips and let us help you plan your next wildlife holiday.

Thank you for being part of our community.

Your support means the world to us.

Wishing you all an extraordinary 2025 filled with love, light, and adventure!

Thank you and Farewell to 2024!

As we wrap up the 2024 season, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you.

Thank you for sharing this incredible journey with us, for trusting us with your wildlife holidays, and for joining us in exploring the wild and wondrous places this planet has to offer.

This year has been nothing short of magical. From the breathtaking landscapes we visited to the awe-inspiring wildlife we encountered, every moment has been a reminder of how precious and deserving of protection these wild places and animals are.

It has been our privilege to share their stories with you, to show you their beauty, and to shine a light on why they are worth fighting for.

Through these journeys, we have been dedicated to showing people this incredible world without fences, one story at a time…where nature knows no boundaries and its wonders can be truly experienced.

Our mission has always been to connect people with nature in a meaningful way—to foster an appreciation for these animals and inspire a sense of stewardship for the planet we all call home.

Thank you for being part of this journey, for watching our videos, reading our blogs, and commenting on our images. Your support means the world to us.

From all of us at SDM, thank you for being part of this incredible journey.

As this season comes to a close, I’m looking forward to spending some quality time at home with my family and friends.

It’s time to recharge, reflect, and enjoy the holiday season with loved ones.

Image by Graeme Purdy

To all of you, I send love and light this holiday season. May your days be filled with joy, warmth, and cherished moments with those you hold dear.

Thank you for being part of our adventure. I can’t wait to see what 2025 holds for all of us.

Wishing you all a happy holiday season and an incredible new year ahead!

Love and light,

SDM Crew.

2024 GROUP PHOTOS: A huge thank you to everyone who joined us in 2024. Thank you for the amazing moments and memories we shared together. Love you guys!

SO WILD… The Final Adventures of the Year.

As I prepare to wrap up the 2024 season, I am on the boat, motoring out to Tiger Beach as I write this.

The familiar sight of the open ocean and the anticipation of seeing my old friends (the tigers), fills me with excitement and gratitude.

This year has been nothing short of extraordinary. From unforgettable wildlife encounters to the incredible people I’ve shared these adventures with… 2024 has been a season to remember.

I’m deeply grateful for the moments that made it so special—the wildlife, the people, and the experiences that stay with you long after the trips are over.

These final two trips are my chance to soak in every last bit of the magic this year has to offer.

I’m looking forward to sharing what we see out here with all of you—I love bringing a little piece of the wild back to everyone following along.

While I’m excited about the possibilities of a new year and all the adventures to come, right now, I’m focused on savoring these last moments of the season.

Here’s to making the most of 2024’s final days, and to saying goodbye to an unforgettable year.

Stay tuned for updates from the field, and thank you for being part of this journey!

Happy Thanksgiving (Or Just a Happy Family Day!)

I wanted to take a moment to reach out to all of you and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, wherever you may be in the world. I know that not everyone celebrates this holiday—many countries don’t have a Thanksgiving tradition, and even here in the United States, there are ongoing discussions about its historical significance and the complexities tied to its origins.

I completely understand and respect those perspectives.

For me, however, Thanksgiving represents something simpler and more universal: an opportunity to gather with loved ones. It’s a day to pause, share time with family and friends, and appreciate the connections we have in our lives.

It also gives me a chance to share some of my favorite wild turkey images! I know not everyone appreciates these birds the way I do, but I think they are amazingly cool.

Their bold feathers, quirky personalities, and place in our ecosystems make them so much more than a holiday symbol.

So, whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving, I want to take this moment to wish you a beautiful day filled with love, gratitude, and togetherness.

Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, I hope your day is full of joy, connection, and peace.

Thank you for being part of this journey with us—it means more than you know.

Happy Thanksgiving, or simply, Happy Family Day!